Cell Broadcast Center (CBC)

Cell Broadcast Center is the entity that delivers broadcast messages to the millions of mobile devices in selected regions without need of any user information and internet connection during the emergency and disasters.

Fast, Reliable, and Location-Based Mass Message Delivery

CBC provides the most effective way to disseminate location-based emergency messages to millions of mobile devices in real-time and reliable manner through dedicated channels.

Robust Operation Under Heavy Network Overload

It is common that the telecom networks can be congested during natural disasters and emergency cases since  a large number of mobile users try to contact to their relatives at the same time. But, this is not the case for the CBC since it deliver messages through  a dedicated channel where no handshaking (like SMS) and data connection are required. This ensures that the message is delivered to millions of mobile devices without any delay.

Full Adherence to International Standards

İstlink CBC is fully compatible with all related international standards, which are 3GPP, ETSI, ATIS, TIA.

Full Support of All Cellular Networks

İstlinck CBC fully supports all types of cellular networks including 2G, 3G, LTE, and 5G.  The CBC is designed with modular and scalable architecture that can be extended with new types of networks easily.

Proven Global Vendor Support

CBC is connected to RAN in order to broadcast the emergency messages. Our CBC provides interface to all global RAN vendors. Our engineering team has the ability to develop required interfaces in order to connect our CBC to both legacy, current and new RAN technologies.

Flexible Deployment and Robust Redundancy

Our novel architecture, which is scalable, predictible, and expandable, enables us to deploy our platform at your choices including full cloud, full on-premise and hybrid deployment methods. Our CBC can be implemented in the field in order to fullfil your real-time backup and redundancy requirements.

Main Features and Advantages

  • Compatible with all related international standards (3GPP, ETSI, ATIS, TIA).
  • One interface can control the broadcast to all networks (2G, 3G, LTE, 5G).
  • Novel Architecture (Database server based approach).
  • Modular System Design.
  • Custom design based on customer needs and the ability to add new capabilities.
  • Scalable system (Extra modules can be added to handle high traffic)
  • Decentralized system architecture (Modules can run on the same VM or on different VMs in the same network.)
  • Option to add new module (for instance, 5G module).